When purchasing new home, you always have the option of going for a new one or one that was initially owned by somebody else. The problem with purchasing old homes is you can never be sure of what you are getting unless you have done thorough inspection and renovation to better its state. Asbestos exposure is especially dangerous in this case and must be checked for. The removal procedure will not always be easy however with the right experts for hire; you can get the procedure over and done with as quickly as possible. After hiring experts, they have to do the survey first to ensure the presence of Asbestos and in which parts of your home. Here is the comprehensive guide on how the Asbestos testing and removal procedure is overseen by professionals.
Prepare first
The first step is evacuating the area that has sampling has to be done from. Any heating or cooling systems for instance HVAC must be turned off prior to commencing the procedure. When taking the sample, you should not overdo it, only take what you need and leave the rest of the area undisturbed. You furthermore need to ready your equipment for instance Plies, waterproof sealants, water spray bottles, asbestos waste disposal bags and even plastic drop sheets. Proper protective gear may also be very ideal for the procedure for instance gloves and P2 respirator.
Take the sample
Before taking the sample, wear your protective gear and your respiratory protective gear. The plastic drops sheet should then be spread to collect any loose debris that fall off during the sampling procedure. The materials must be made wet slightly using detergent water to make sampling even easier. This is only necessary to alleviate the release of asbestos fibers making the procedure a lot safer. In case you are dealing with fiber cement sheeting, take samples from cracks and corners of the building. Label your collection with date and location not forgetting the asbestos warning that goes with it.
Thorough clean up
Seal the sealant used to collect the matter and ensure the bag I not opened unless all caution is considered. The tools used for the sampling procedure should be wiped by a clean and wet rag. For the protective gear used for instance gloves, properly package them into asbestos waste disposal bags together with the drop sheets and the rag used for cleaning your equipment. Label the bag ideally and wash your hands. Remember the RPE must be on until when you have fully completed the cleaning process. Adhere to the idea decontamination procedure of both yourself and the RPE after fully completing the task. Proper disposal is the recommended move of the waste disposables that you have from the task.
Send the sample
For your asbestos to be accepted, you need to adhere to the packaging terms and conditions and ensure everything has been labeled as instructed. The packaging requirements expected include not exceeding the 1KG amount which is ideal for sampling. The sample must be double bagged and eventually well labeled as “testing samples” you lastly have to express post it or parcel post it, whichever you see best.
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